Death by documentation? - meet us in Stockholm on May 12th
Join us at Kista Entré Konferens in Stockholm, Sweden, on May 12th for the morning seminar "Your Medical Device Development - death by documentation?"
“Writing documents and putting them into binders does not sound like rocket science.”
Nevertheless, many of us have experienced how documentation and traceability according to ISO 13485 and FDA QSR 820 turns into both a complex and cumbersome activity. Surprisingly enough, as long as regulatory demands are met, the documentation process itself is seldom scrutinized for efficiency improvements.
This seminar highlights how great savings can be made in this area. We uncover bad documentation practices, their consequences, and potential remedies with the intent to make the medical device documentation process more efficient.
This event is a cooperation with Qadvis. Event details can be found here.
Looking forward to seeing you there!