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Queries are activated by downloading and unzipping the zip file into a known location. Then load an Aligned Elements project, click Main Menu -> Queries -> Import Query and select the unzipped xml file to import the downloaded query. The imported query should then appear in the Main Menu -> Queries under the respective Document object type name.

Insufficiently Mitigated Risks

This Query filters out Risks that are not (yet) sufficiently mitigated i.e. where the resulting New RPN is above the dfined threshold. These outstanding risks needs to be addressed in your Risk Summary.

Orphaned Test Cases

This query extracts test cases for which no incoming traces from specifications, use cases, or mitigations exist.

Ambiguous Adjectives T-W

This Query filters out Requirements that contain ambiguous adjectives from T-W e.g. "typical" , "various", "workable" etc.

Risk Critical Test Cases

Filters out failed test cases traced from Mitigations, i.e. tests that verify that mitigations have been correctly implemented.

Failed Test Cases

Filters out failed Test Cases for a certain configuration.

Requirements query for Ambiguous Adverbs

Checks for the existence of -ly words that can be ambiguous.

Ambiguous Adjectives O-S

This Query highlights Requirements that contain ambiguous adjectives from O-S e.g. "quite", "satisfying", "short" etc..

Test Cases for Risk Critical Specifications

This Query filters out Test Cases that are traced from Risk Critical Specifications.

Not Executed Test Cases

This Query filters out Test Cases that have never been executed.

Requirements query for This and That

The presence of the pre-nouns "this" and "that" can lead to unclear referrals.

Ambiguous Adjectives H-N

This Query filters out Requirements that contain ambiguous adjectives from H-N e.g. "large", "many", "numerous" etc.

Risk Critical Specifications

This Query filters out Specifications that are traced from Mitigations, i.e. Design Changes made due to risk mitigations.

Failed/Not Executed Tests

This Query filters out Executed Test Cases that have not been executed for a certain configuration.

Requirements query for Negative Requirements

Specify what the product shall do. Not what it shall not do.

Ambiguous Adjectives A-G

This Query filters out Requirements that contains ambiguous adjectives from A-G e.g. "acceptable", "broad", "comfortable" etc.

Requirement Query for May, Might, Could, Should, Would

It is good practice to not include these ambiguous words in requirements.

Requirement Query for Shall, Must, Will

A Requirement shall contain the word "shall" or "must" or "will".